After Swimmers Shoulder When Can the Athleat Returen to Swimming Again

Take Home Points:

  1. When returning from whatever injury (in this case a shoulder injury), many training alterations are required.
  2. These are general outlines, delight run across a healthcare professional if y'all accept shoulder hurting and set an individual return to swimming outline.
  3. Don't rush your return to full swimming practice. Work on biomechanics, reduce pain, and elongate your swimming career!

The commonly used plans for returning a swimmer to the pool later on a shoulder injury have many flaws. Swim coaches and health care professionals take vastly different views, both contributing to the problem. Swim coaches do not want their swimmers to miss whatsoever time from the pool equally they feel whatsoever missed time will prevent progress. Health care professionals want swimmers to take weeks off from pond to let total recovery. The appropriate approach lies somewhere betwixt these two options.

A typical health intendance arroyo to recovery from a shoulder injury includes numerous "blank periods". This is when a swimmer is non receiving care or swimming as they await to be seen by the side by side professional. After these sessions, the health care professional expects the swimmer to return to the pool after their symptoms take alleviated, but oftentimes times don't necessarily stress their shoulder for the demands required in swimming. In their optics, this is considered a successful handling; unfortunately fourth dimension away from the pool causes an athlete to lose "experience" which tin can just be acquired and maintained past spending time in the water. This is the best-instance scenario, but sometimes the symptoms never improve. Sometimes the swimmer volition go along to swim with the pain. Other times, the symptoms may disappear and the swimmer will return to practice, hop in the pool, go full throttle, but to have the symptoms return. This reckless approach will likely cause a re-injury and add more "blank periods". This is a sad, all too common example, for many age-grouping swimmers. Many health intendance professionals don't know how to safely return a swimmer to the pool with guidelines to benefit recovery. Applying continual, gradual swimming stress is essential to see if the swimmer's shoulder hurting is improving. Therefore, it is of import to know their current hurting level and accept them progressively return to the puddle. Tiers of limitations can be used to gauge improvement, yet maintain neural experience. Knowing an athlete'southward current level of pain volition help in monitoring whether or not their symptoms are improving, as information technology is unlikely for the athlete to become from 8/10 to 0/10 pain afterward a few sessions with the rehabilitation specialist, especially if these symptoms are long-standing. Helping them progress with milder and fewer symptoms allows the swimmer to see progress, keep their sanity, and stay positive as they return to the pool. Afterward working with thousands of swimmers, I began piecing together simple tricks to speed recovery while maintaining "feel", thereby preparing the athlete for a total return to practise. Follow these guidelines closely to ensure shoulder recovery, while maintaining "feel" and strength in the water.

Proper technique for injury prevention is essential. I'm sure non all of the readers will concur with these biomechanical corrections for pond propulsive reasons. Yet, I recommend them considering they volition put less stress on the shoulder joint and muscles, the master correction for those with shoulder hurting. During freestyle, ~75% of the "most pain" occurs during the first half of the pull and ~18% of pain occurs during the showtime half of the recovery (Pink 2000). The most common biomechanical causes of shoulder pain in swimmers are:

Crossing Over

Crossing over occurs when the swimmer initiates their take hold of and brings their arm across their body. When the arm crosses the body, it closes the space on the anterior shoulder. The anterior shoulder contains the supraspinatus, the most usually injured rotator cuff muscles.Solution: The most common reason for this error is a lack of emphasis on biomechanics. Almost swimmers can prevent a crossover catch with concentration and appropriate cuing from their motorcoach. If the swimmer lacks shoulder blade stability, this may exist causing them to cross their arm across their trunk on the catch. Stabilize the shoulder during the initial take hold of past performing the compact position. In the compact position, information technology is well-nigh impossible to cross over and impinge the anterior rotator cuff muscles.

Pollex-Kickoff Entry

If an athlete enters with his or her pollex, the whole hand can enter through a smaller hole, decreasing drag. Nonetheless, many athletes reach a thumbs-first entry through shoulder internal rotation. This orientation can stress the anterior structures of the shoulder and increase the run a risk for shoulder impingement. Luckily, the pollex first entry can exist accomplished with no motion at the shoulder. Instead, instruct your athletes to use forearm pronation (rotating the forearm inwards) instead of shoulder internal rotation to become their thumbs to enter offset, decreasing the amount of drag on the entry.Solution: Either instruct your swimmers to enter finger tipss first or thumb showtime with only forearm pronation, a difficult but beneficial departure. Consider performing finger tip drag drills or hesitation drills just prior to entry to perfect the entry.

Head-Up Pond

If an athlete swims with a head-upward position, this will lead to the athlete curling their neck upwards, putting many shoulder and cervix muscles in improper positions. Many masters swimmers and some age-grouping swimmers still use this caput position, impairing their strength and putting their shoulder muscles at risk for injury.Solution: Focus on swimming with your caput down, endeavour looking at the bottom of the pool or only slightly in forward. Invest in a snorkel and practice having the swimmer have the water line just above their hair line.

Armpit Breathing

Every autobus knows the armpit breather. This indentured swimmer has difficulties controlling and timing their neck rotation. These swimmers will ofttimes wait back when they breathe or breathe belatedly. This can irritate the shoulder by stretching and putting the shoulder muscles at the wrong musculus length.Solution: Instruct the swimmer to initiate their breath just prior to their arm on the same side exiting the water. For example, if you are animate to your correct, initiate your jiff only prior to your correct arm exiting the h2o. Likewise, focus on a rapid inhale and exhale, allowing the head to return to the water rapidly. Performing six kick rotational drills with the swimmer's arms at their side tin assistance the swimmer larn how far and in what management to turn their head.

Overtaking or Catch-Upwardly

Although the catch-upwards stroke is unremarkably performed, this position of elongated shoulder flexion aides to approximately 70% of shoulder impingements [probable primary impingements] (Yanai 1966). Extended time in this stretched out position minimizes the subacromial space and increases rubbing of the rotator cuff muscles, a major injury risk.

Wide CatchSolution: Have the swimmer enter their hand at a ~45 degree angle, with their hand traveling down, instead of parallel to the floor of the pool.

A broad catch typically embodies vigorous and excessive shoulder abduction while internally rotating the humerus increases shoulder stress (Yani 1966).Solution: Instruct adduction of the humerus during the initial catch, ensuring the hand is not moving exterior the body line.

Other Strokes Biomechanics

This is mainly a piece regarding freestyle, but here are some quick tips for other strokes. If you are interested in more detailed biomechanical adjustments for other strokes, please comment beneath.


Swim with a wider stroke, like you have your arm around your friend's back, not underneath your body.


Outsweep with your easily apartment or parallel to the bottom of the puddle. Do non rotate your arms inward during the catch, having your thumbs face the bottom of the pool.


Initiate the catch earlier, do not printing the chest downwards with the arms remaining elevated.

Swimmer's Shoulder Render to Pond Program

Once swimming biomechanics are improved (via coaching, drills, underwater video, and/or concentration), it is necessary to have guidelines for return. Here are the basics and bolts for returning to swimming in no fourth dimension.

No more than 3

Knowing the hurting level of a swimmer is important for determining when the swimmer should return to the pool. A hurting scale of 0 to ten is commonly used, with 0 representing no pain and 10 representing unrelenting pain. For give-and-take of shoulder hurting, we will assume that the swimmer has at least a level of ane/10 pain. The typical presentation of shoulder pain is a swimmer with pain but during swimming. Their hurting level is typically 0/10 at rest. However, in one case they first pond, it is likely their hurting level will steadily increase. The 'No more than 3′ rule allows a swimmer to maintain their "feel" for the water, until the pain level reaches a iii/x. It is unrealistic to expect whatever swimmer with a history of shoulder pain to jump in the puddle and take 0/10 pain. The 'no more than iii′ rule allows the swimmer to swim until they accomplish a three/ten pain level. This rule is based on the belief that 0/10, 1/ten, or 2/ten hurting is not causing more injury or inflammation. However, if a iii/10 pain level is reached, it assumes more irritation, damage, and inflammation will ensue. When the pain reaches 3/ten, the first pain plateau, changes to the pond routine need to be made. In one case a 3/10 pain level occurs, it is all-time to residual and permit the shoulder irritation to misemploy. This is accomplished by having the athlete kick on their dorsum with fins, eliminating arm movements and stress to the shoulder (with streamline unless this prevents resolution of the iii/10 pain level. If pain persists in streamline, motion to the artillery next to the body). Hopefully a swimmer's pain volition not reach betwixt a four/x and seven/10 while in the pool, because they will accept stopped at the 3/10 level and proceeded with directions on how to adjust their practice routine.

If the swimmer has a three/ten or greater pain at residuum, it is best to take them stay out of the water, it is likely the cause is inflammation or sympathetic pain. If this is the case, it is recommended to see a health care professional for treatment and further evaluation. This approach is effective when the athlete is seeing a wellness care professional on a regular basis and their symptoms are continually improving. If the symptoms are not improving with a rehabilitative specialist, either find a new i or consider taking a break from doing the activity which causes the symptoms (likely stroking). As much as I realize maintaining "feel" is important, keeping a swimmer's shoulder away from the knife of surgery is even more of import.Solution: Accept the swimmer swim the typical workout until their symptoms reach three/10. Once a three/10 occurs, have them kick on their back with their arms at their side or in streamline (if their symptoms don't increase with streamline) with fins when their symptoms reach 3/10. This allows them to stay in the water and proceed "feel" while minimizing shoulder stress. Moreover, about swimmers can do master sets and intervals with fins, keeping them involved in practice and their face in the water. If they take 3/ten symptoms prior to exercise, discontinue for the day and have them seek treatment for inflammation or sympathetic pain.

Kickboards are non recommended if someone has shoulder hurting. Most cases of shoulder pain occur due to repeated overhead motions, leading to musculoskeletal pain. Property a kickboard for a stagnant period is locking the arm in an overhead position and irritating the shoulder repeatedly (Pollard 2001). Moreover, athletes commonly push their shoulders downwardly on the board, leading to overpressure on the joint, a chancy move. Kickboards will perpetuate the pain and is easily replaced with the swimmer kicking on their back. In fact, to prevent this unsafe position and forestall re-injury, I will have swimmers kick without a board for an extended period after the symptoms resolve (approximately one month).Solution: Boot on your back in streamline if symptoms are less than 3/10; if symptoms are greater than 3/10, have them kick on their side or with their arms side by side to their side.

No Paddles

This is a tough ane for some programs, but paddles place higher stress on the shoulder by allowing the swimmer to grab more water (Pollard 2001). This obvious statement supports the fact that moving more water requires more than arm strength and use of shoulder muscles. Fifty-fifty with perfect technique, paddles will increment shoulder stress, which is bad for shoulder pain. Removing paddles volition give the shoulder time to recover, getting them back to paddles sooner.Solution: Discontinue pulling until symptoms take fully resolved for at least 1 calendar month.

Bottom Hand

When coming off a flip plow, the swimmer should initiate their pull with their lesser hand. This is biomechically advantageous to rapidly rotate and spiral the athlete to the surface. Unfortunately, this powerful stroke is always performed by the same arm as swimmers are robotic. For athletes with shoulder pain, it is necessary to requite the overworked shoulder a break. In almost all overuse injuries the lesser hand off the turn is the injured shoulder.Solution: Reverse your rotations off the wall and start your stroke with your reverse arm. This volition feel like writing with your reverse hand, merely will distribute shoulder stress and allow adequate shoulder healing. Another option is starting your stroke with your top hand.

Proper Pacing

During times of stress, the trunk adapts. At the end of a race, the body adapts to finish. Unfortunately, these adaptations are often inefficient and hazardous. At the end of a 100-one thousand race (when the swimmers slowed, their biomechanics shifted from using more adduction to more shoulder internal rotation. This adaptation will increment shoulder stress and risk of injury. Solution: Attempt to even split your races and sets during practice. This minimizes the amount of fourth dimension undergoing poor, injurious biomechanics.


Recent research suggests that swimmers with shoulder pain have college neck muscle activation during overhead movement exterior of the pool. It is hypothesized, that if the neck muscles are overactive on country, and so in the water they must exist even more active. Neck rotation and breathing uses the neck muscles and tin feed into the increased neck muscle activation. Using a snorkel will minimize head rotation and cervix musculus activation.Solution: Consider using a snorkel during workouts if your symptoms persists.

Render to Swimming Yardage

Knowing how much yardage to brainstorm with is hard. I frequently suggest starting with 1,000 yards of breast and freestyle. Once once more, if pain increases past a 3/10, I suggest boot on your back with fins until it returns to a 0-ane/10. After this, I suggest adding 500 – 1,000 yards every 3 days with a maximum of one/10 pain. In one case you lot're able to swim 3,000 yards, I suggest calculation butterfly and backstroke (ideally on separate days, to know which is the irritant).

Instance 6 Week Render to Pond Program

Beneath is an example 6 calendar week render to swimming plan, she swam once a day, half dozen times per calendar week, for the entire six weeks. The swimmer also did non perform whatever meets during this six weeks.

The swimmer had infraspinatus tendinits initially and she received 2x/week of physical therapy for the entire six weeks.

Day Yardage Strokes Highest Pain Level Notes
ane 1000 Gratis iii
2 thou Gratuitous two
3 1000 Free 1
iv 1000 Free 1
5 1000 Free ane
half dozen 2000 Gratuitous 2
7 2000 Free, Breast 5 Performed 1,700, and so kicked 300.
8 1750 Free, Breast two
9 2000 Complimentary 1
x 2000 Free i
xi 2000 Gratuitous, Breast 0
12 2500 Complimentary, Breast 0
13 3000 Gratuitous 0
14 3000 Gratuitous, Breast, Back 0
xv 4000 Free, Breast, Fly vii Performed 3000, then hurting during fly. Kicked concluding thou.
sixteen 4000 Free, Breast, Back 3
17 4000 Free, Breast, Back 3
eighteen 4000 Free, Breast, Dorsum 2
19 4000 Free, Breast, Back i
20 4000 Free, Breast, Back 1
21 4000 Gratis, Breast, Back i
22 5000 Gratuitous, Breast, Back 0
23 5000 Free, Chest, Back 0
24 5000 Complimentary, Breast, Back 0
25 5800 All Strokes 4 Performed 4800, pain during fly. Kicked last 1000.
26 6000 All Strokes 2
27 6000 All Strokes ii
28 6000 All Strokes 2
29 6000 All Strokes ane
30 6000 All Strokes 1
31 6000 All Strokes 1
32 7000 All Strokes 1
33 7200 All Strokes 0
34 7400 All Strokes 0
35 6900 All Strokes 1
36 7100 All Strokes 0
37 7200 All Strokes 0
38 7400 All Strokes 0

As you lot see, at that place were days when the hurting exceeded 3/10. This is expected as recovery from an injury isn't linear. Nonetheless, sticking with a plan, which emphasizes rehabilitation (ideally with skilled physical therapy), progressive addition of swimming volume and strokes, and biomechanical adjustments tin can enhance the recovery a swimmer's shoulder. Ensure all these for a quick and long-lasting swimmer's shoulder recovery and exist a life-long swimmer (#fist pump)!


  1. Yanai, T., & Hay, J. G. (1966). The mechanics of shoulder impingement in front-crawl swimming. Medicine and Scientific discipline in Exercise and Sports, 28(5), Supplement abstract 1092.
  2. Suito H, Ikegami Y, Nunome H, Sano S, Shinkai H, Tsujimoto Due north. The consequence of fatigue on the underwater arm stroke motion in the 100-k front end clamber. J Appl Biomech. 2008 Nov;24(four):316-24.
  3. Pollard B. The prevalence of shoulder pain in elite level British swimmers and the effects of training technique. British Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association; 2001.
  4. Spigelman T, Sciascia A, Uhl T. Return to swimming protocol for competitive swimmers: a post-operative case written report and fundamentals. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2014 Oct;9(5):712-25.

The COR Swimmer's Shoulder System East-volume and video database starts with a comprehensive e-book that guides you through Mullen's 4-stage arrangement. This book details everything almost the shoulder, why swimmers are at hazard for shoulder pain, to which training frequency option y'all should choose to exactly how you can make effective programme modifications if you don't have specific equipment at your disposal. A video database gives you video access to more than xl practice videos, so you'll never have to worry almost how to execute a right motility over again! It'll be like Yard. John Mullen is there with you, education you how to perform the unabridged program in person! This dandy resources for coaches and swimmers is valued at $370, simply is yours for only $149!

Dr. John Mullen


Dr. John Mullen, DPT, CSCS is a Earth renowned proficient and speaker in sports training and rehabilitation. He received his Doctorate in Physical Therapy at USC, as well as the Josette Antonelli Division Service Scholarship, Order of the Golden Cane, and the Lodge of Areté. At USC, he also performed research on strength training and rehabilitation. Dr. John has worked with multiple professional and Olympic athletes, helping them earn Olympic medals.

His dedication to research and individualization spurred him to open COR in 2011. Since 2011, Dr. John has been featured in Gizmodo, Motherboard, Stack Magazine, and much more.

He has worked with the numerous colleges and teams regarding rehab and performance. Before his Doctoral program, Dr. John swam on an athletic scholarship at Purdue University.

At Purdue, Dr. John was an Academic Honorable Mention All-American and was awarded the Red Mackey Award and R. O. Papenguh Honor. He also won the Purdue Undergraduate business plan and elevator pitch competition, every bit well as 1st prize with the Indiana Soy Bean Brotherhood.

Dr. John was born in Centerville, Ohio and was a 24-time high schoolhouse All-American Swimmer. Dr. John is still a swimmer and holds a Masters Pond World and Pacific Swimming Record.


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