Should I Use Woocommerce or Etsy to Sell Art

Past Catherine Jeltes in Art Business Communication> General Fine art Communication

Founded in 2005, Etsy has fabricated many changes in the interest of growing their business concern—but recent changes have acquired some artists to re-evaluate their use of the popular online platform.

Handmade ceramic mug painted in light blue on a potter's table

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Here are some things to consider before adding—or keeping—Etsy as 1 of your art sales platform:

ane. Etsy is known for frequent (& sudden) updates

Etsy makes changes to their platform ALL. THE. TIME.

Frequently these occur with little to no warning. As such, a portion of your time will e'er be spent learning and adapting to changes, from how your store looks to how to navigate your seller dashboard, to changes with how your finances are organized.

You lot will have no say in these changes. If y'all detest constant modify and/or hate having to spend more time abroad from creating art, Etsy may non be the platform for you.

two. Many items on Etsy are no longer artisan or handcrafted

In the first, Etsy's make was original art and handmade crafts and sellers were heavily curated to ensure items were all handcrafted and handmade.

As the platform has expanded, less attention has been given to ensure authentic, high-quality handmade items and Etsy'due south marketplace is now flooded with sellers marketing lower-priced items that do not necessarily qualify as artisan handmade.

Many experience this practise has cheapened Etsy's brand, and some artists may not like that their artwork will be listed beside non-art items.

three. Etsy promotes sellers who offer free aircraft

Over the years, Etsy has adjusted their Search Feature and algorithms for how items are ranked in Search. The most contempo change has been to rank items with free shipping (and shops that offering costless shipping) higher in customer searches than those without.

Ety's free shipping banner, encouraging sellers to set up free shipping in a single click

If yous are selling smaller-sized artwork, consistent in size and weight (retrieve prints, photographs, etc) this practice may work well for you.

Still, if y'all are selling large sail paintings, pottery, custom furniture, etc, information technology may be challenging to accurately include your aircraft costs into your cost—merely because shipping charges fluctuate greatly according to particular weight, size, destination, insurance fees, and freight costs.

To encourage sellers to lower shipping charges, a popular-up bulletin will display when Etsy determines that charges are too loftier for an detail:

Shipping warning on Etsy if your shipping fees are too high

Etsy does not factor in item size—merely price betoken—when making this call. For example, a painting with a sale price of $130 will trigger that notification if the seller sets the shipping cost higher than $10.25.

It'south like shooting fish in a barrel to run into why this doesn't work. If I were to ship this painting from Missouri to California via USPS Priority Post with insurance, it would cost $12.10 (nearly $ii over their suggested amount).

This is peculiarly important to note considering. . .

4. Etsy takes a percentage of your aircraft charges, likewise

In 2018, Etsy raised their fees from iii.5% of the auction toll to 5%—AND started applying that fee to the item's shipping charge as well.

Allow's say yous sold a painting for $715.00 with a $35 aircraft accuse. In 2017, your Etsy fee would have been $25.22 (3.5% of $715). Now nevertheless, that aforementioned sale volition cost a fee of $37.fifty (5% of $750).

If you sold that same verbal painting through your own website with PayPal, your fee would be only 2.9% of the sale price plus a .30 fixed fee. This would cost you a mere $22.05 in fees, leaving your full aircraft charge for its purpose—shipping.

In short, if yous sell a lot of art, or larger-format artwork, those actress Etsy fees can add up chop-chop. . . and y'all may adopt to sell through PayPal instead.

five. Etsy has swell resources for seller protection

Shipsurance logo

Etsy has Shipsurance integrated direct into their platform. When you lot utilize Etsy's shipping labels, you can easily purchase additional insurance—and all the paperwork and details of the auction (including the contact data of the buyer) is accessible in 1 identify.

If you lot ship internationally, this is HUGE.

I had a custom order disappear in Australia. Cheers to insuring my shipment with Shipsurance, everything went smoothly. My client was reimbursed and I kept the original payment. Because of this feel, I refuse to ship original art internationally unless it is through Etsy.

As you can run across, in that location are pros and cons to selling art on Etsy. While Etsy remains a part of my business organization, I have fabricated changes that piece of work for me—keeping just some of my eggs in Etsy's basket.

Special thank you to Catherine Jeltes for sharing her insights into selling art on Etsy. To learn more almost Catherine'south art, please check out her abstract blossom art prints & paintings!


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Annotation: You may also be interested in EE's step-by-step cartoon guide for artists. Click below to learn more!

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