Review Underway to Stop Assaults at Mental Health Unit

  • Journal List
  • Indian J Psychiatry
  • 5.55(3); Jul-Sep 2013
  • PMC3777344

Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul-Sep; 55(iii): 235–243.

Mental wellness assessment of rape offenders

Jaydip Sarkar

Department of General and Forensic Psychiatry, Establish of Mental Health, 10 Buangkok View, Singapore


There is an urgent need for evolution of methods of cess and direction of sex offenders (rapists, kid sex activity offenders, other sexual offenders, and murderers) to mount a society-wide boxing against the scourge of sexual offences in Republic of india. This paper provides an overview of theories, models, and cess methods of rapists. It draws upon literature from psychiatry, psychology, criminology, probation, and ethics to provide a framework for understanding reasons backside rape, how mental health issues are implicated, what mental health professionals can do to contribute to crime management, and why this is ethically correct and proper.

Keywords: Assessment, mental health, rape, sexual activity offenders


India has a major problem with sexual crimes against women, which is on the ascension apace (NCRB 2013) [Figure ane].

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Incidence of sexual crimes against women in Republic of india

It ranks in the bottom five nations globally when information technology comes to safety of women according to a contempo Gallup poll (world wide Much soul searching has occurred following the horrific sexual homicide of a adult female in New Delhi that focusses the spotlight on sexual offences generally and rape in item. The Verma commission, created swiftly to address deficits in the direction of rape and other sexual offences, recommended widespread changes. Sadly, it focussed only on criminal justice issues of defining laws, enhancing processes, and increasing punishments but remained silent on the slew of health approaches that accept been used in the west and increasingly closer to home (eastward.m., Singapore) in the direction of sex offenders. This commodity would aim to provide a brief overview of mental health literature relevant to theories, taxonomy, assessment, and diagnosis for the circuitous set of thoughts, feelings, attitude, and behaviours that lead to the offence of rape.

This article focusses simply on gender-specific rape (crimes committed by males on developed females; its understanding, assessment, and diagnosis. It does not address other factors-criminological, societal, and cultural-that facilitate and maintain the commission of this offence. Neither does it deal with other sexual offences such every bit exhibitionism, paedophilia, and others, nor does information technology discuss treatment options and strategies due to constraints of space. Finally, victim issues such as trauma and other psychiatric morbidity are not dealt with as trauma services exist in Republic of india. The paper focuses squarely on perpetrators of the offence of rape and makes the argument that while anguish at their deportment; information technology does nil to address what are ofttimes serious mental health problems that underpin such offendces. It ends with a section on the upstanding issues relevant to this area of do.


In law, rape is defined as vaginal or anal penetration in the absence of lawful consent. Withal, the source of penetration (east.g., penis, finger, or objects), object of penetration (e.k., vagina, anal, or oral), gender of perpetrator, and victim and definition of consent varies greatly across jurisdictions. Rape is considered to accept occurred when her consent has been obtained by (i) putting her (or whatsoever person in whom she is interested, e.g., children, close relatives) in fright of decease or of injure, (ii) the administration by him personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome substance (then-called "engagement-rape"), or (iii) when the age of the victim is below xvi years. Moreover, Indian law (section 375 of Indian Penal Lawmaking) specifically states that if a woman consents to sex activity, that consent is invalid and rape is still considered to have taken identify if the woman is suffering from "unsoundness of mind or intoxication" so that she is unable to understand the nature and consequence of that to which she gives consent.

At that place are several types of rape that exist in law

  1. Penetrative rape: The vagina is penetrated by penis, finger, or other objects

  2. Statutory rape: The penis is touched on vagina simply no penetration takes place. This blazon of rape does not be in Indian statutes yet

  3. Marital rape: When rape occurs within a union. This is not still recognized in Indian law

  4. Appointment rape: When rape occurs during an exploratory platonic romantic meeting between a man and a woman, where frequently an intoxicating agent is mixed in the food or drink of the victim

  5. Gang rape: When more than than 1 person rapes the victim

  6. Male rape: When homo on man rape takes identify.


Since events in tardily December 2013 which has sparked a wave of soul-searching, several narratives of what rape is all near has emerged from various people - in public offices, religious communities, and special interest groups - plugged on mainstream media. Some of these discourses have but rehashed what are known to be myths. Some of these myths are: (a) women ask for sex past the way they dress and conduct, (b) they enjoy being raped, (c) women are raped just by strangers, (d) women could avoid being raped if they really wanted to, (due east) women cry rape for revenge on powerful men, (f) rapists are crazy or psychotic ("animals" is a word that is oft used), and (g) most rapists are "different", "not like u.s.." None of the higher up are generically true fifty-fifty if at that place may be some truth in some rare individual cases.


Extensive research over the past 3 decades (and more) suggests that several mental health issues underlie sexual violence and offending, particularly rape. Much of this research comes from the due west and the lack of meaningful enquiry on rapists in Republic of india highlights a serious lacunae in knowledge and skills required to manage mental wellness factors that underlie criminal activities, a office that forensic psychiatrists mostly play.[1]

Neurobiological impairments

Rape may a be associated with organic brain damage and learning disability,[2] disorders associated with congenital or acquired brain harm. Marshall and Barbaree[3] proposed that a critical developmental task for adolescent males involves learning to distinguish between aggressive and sexual impulses, as this has consequences for their ability to command aggressive tendencies during sexual experiences and activities. They argue that both types of impulses - trigger-happy and sexual - originate from the same brain structures. For vulnerable individuals with adverse early developmental experiences, differences in hormonal functioning volition make this task even more hard. Rapists were found to have head injuries (3.9%) in a big sample in Sweden,[4] and sadistic rapists have shown abnormalities within the temporal horn,[5,6] although the clinical significance of these findings remain unknown at the nowadays time. For an first-class review of neurobiological factors underlying sexual offending, the reader is directed to a paper by Bradford.[7]

Psychiatric disorders

Nigh rapists are not mentally disordered.[viii] People with schizophrenia or related psychoses may often commit rape or show abnormal sexual behavior which is related either directly to the psychosis[ix] or indirectly to disinhibition.[10] Similarly, patients with hypomania and mania become sexually disinhibited leading to such offences. It has been reported that those diagnosed with schizophrenia are four times more than likely to have been convicted of a serious sexual offence than those without mental illness.[xi] Information technology has been proposed that schizophrenia patients who engage in sexually offensive activities (not simply rape) fall into four broad groups: (ane) Those with pre-existing paraphilias, (ii) whose deviant sexuality arises in the context of disease and/or its treatment, (three) whose deviant sexuality is one manifestation of a more than generalized antisocial behaviour, and (4) other factors such as dementia, head injury, or substance misuse.[11] In terms of incidence, Langstrom et al.,[four] carried out the almost extensive report in which they retrospectively analyzed psychiatric diagnoses in an in-patient Swedish sample of 535 rape offenders discharged from Swedish prisons. The well-nigh prevalent diagnoses were alchohol abuse or dependence (9.three%), drug abuse (three.ix%), personality disorder (, and psychosis (1.vii%).


In Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4thursday edition (DSM-IV),[12] paraphilias are defined in the post-obit terms: (a) At least a 6-calendar month flow of recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, or sexual urges involving specific paraphilic behaviour, and that the fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors; (b) crusade clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. In the year 2000, DSM-IV-TR added that this diagnosis could be fabricated in sure cases where individuals, fifty-fifty though non personally distressed or impaired in their functioning, had acted out the urge and carried out the behaviors with a nonconsenting party.[13] In International Classification of Diseases, 10thursday revision (ICD-10),[14] paraphilas are described, much every bit in DSM-Four-TR, equally being carried out to gain sexual excitement and gratification. In ICD-10, sadism and masochism are combined in ane category, whereas they class two categories in DSM-IV-TR.

Rape as a behavioral disorder has been excluded fifty-fifty though pedophilia (sexual activity with underage children), sadomasochism, and exhibitionism are included. One possible reason could be that rape as a behavior seems so like to other criminal offences and rapists so like to belongings or fierce offenders[15] that it was not considered to be related to deviant sexual arousal, which pedophilia, exhibitionism, and sadomasochism undoubtedly are. Consequently, the DSM mentions rape only under the diagnosis of sexual sadism (although sadism incorporates only 5-10% of all rape cases).[thirteen] The ICD-10 does not consider rape to be a disorder and at that place is no mention even inside the disorder of sadomasochism. However, every bit the subsequent textile would reveal, rape offenders feel many of the deficits and dysfunctions that other mentally disordered individuals exercise.

Intimacy/attachment problems

Several studies show that rapists experienced multiple early on life adversities such as sexual abuse, concrete corruption, and dysfunctional family relations,[16] which are likely to affect their capacities for secure attachments and developing healthy adult relationships.[17] Such experiences create deficits of intimacy[18] with insensitive and aloof interpersonal styles[19] and dismissive attachment characterized by hostility to, suspicion of, and unempathic and callous attitudes toward attachment figures.[20]

Cognitive distortions

Cognitive distortions or CD are errors in cognitions that allow the offender to rationalize and minimize the perceptions and judgements used by the sexual activity offender to justify his molestation behavior. It is said that men hold implicit theories about the nature of the globe which underlie their distorted beliefs which often drive and justify their rape behavior. The implicit theories proposed for rapists[21] are listed below and research has found evidence for such beliefs:[22]

  1. Women are unknowable: Rapists believe that women are fundamentally different from me and, therefore, cannot exist understood. Encounters with women will, therefore, be adversarial and women will be deceptive well-nigh what they really want. An example of such a CD might exist "…she is dressed in hot pants and her cleavage is visible. This means she wants sex and it is okay for me to have sexual activity with her" when she says "no" she actually wants to turn me on further."

  2. Women are sex objects: The CD is that women are constantly receptive to men'due south sexual needs but are non necessarily always conscious of this. Their body language is more than important than what they say and women cannot be hurt by sex activity unless they are physically harmed, that is beaten or punched. An case of this might be "…when she looks furtively at me when I make lewd comments, she is actually interested in me. Then when she says "no" she is actually playing with me to turn me on further.

  3. Male person sex bulldoze is uncontrollable: Men's sexual energies can build upwardly to dangerous levels if women do non provide them with sexual opportunities and in one case aroused it is difficult not to progress to orgasm. In Bharat, with its culture-leap syndromes of "male sexual weakness" or dhat syndrome, one manifestation of such a CD might be "… I am going to become weak if my "dhat" (semen) flows out (premature ejaculation while molesting or sexually harassing a adult female) and a woman does not offer herself to me."

  4. Entitlement: Men's needs, which include sexual needs, should be met on demand by women. In a nation like Republic of india with major gender-based inequalities, such CDs of male person entitlement, especially if the victim is from lower condition for whatever reason (socioeconomics, caste, etc.) can lead to marital rape (recommended to exist considered a criminal offense in the Verma Commission report).

  5. Dangerous world: The world is a hostile and threatening place and people need to be on their guard, merely there is no safe haven. An example is "…. I have been wronged in many means, then it is not incorrect for me to practice wrongs to others."


Simply as a diabetic human being may be a rapist, similarly psychiatric diagnosis may coexist in a rape offender. It is risky at least and downright negligent and harmful at worst to assume a causal link between a psychiatric disorder and rape, that is, the rape was the direct outcome of someone's psychosis, bipolar disorder, depression, or whatsoever other psychiatric disorder, unless there is clear testify that the rape was direct caused by severe symptoms which the offender could not command at all. This is often but possible and plausible in cases of severe psychosis or in individuals with serious organic brain disorders or severe learning inability. In most cases, there is multifactorial causation of the offence rather than whatever one specific cause (similar psychosis for instance). In order to assist optimal assessment and handling of rapists, a comprehensive understanding of the range of aetiological theories bachelor to explain sexual aggression is required. This is necessary in gild to develop case formulations which are theoretically driven conceptual models that represent offenders' various difficulties, the hypothesized underlying mechanisms, and their inter-relationships which give rise to symptoms or problems. A case formulation provides a rational basis for determining treatment needs that are used to tailor interventions with offenders.[23]

Sexual offending literature consists of three main types of theories: Unmarried-gene, multifactor, and microtheories.[24]

  1. Single-cistron theories: These refer to theories that attempt to explicate a single unifying underlying cause of sexual aggression, thousand., psychodynamic, evolutionary, cultural, or sociocognitive theories. While in and of themselves single-cistron theories cannot explain causally many of the rape cases, they contribute in generating good multifactor theories.

  2. Multifactor theories: These combine a number of single factor theories into a comprehensive explanation of interactions and causal relationships that go to create a favorable environment for rape to occur, e.g., confluence model,[25,26] integrated theory,[3] quadripartite theory,[27] and an unification of all these theories into one metatheory - integrated theory of sexual offending.[28] Such theories are useful in developing risk cess and intervention strategies for groups of offenders.

  3. Microtheories: These are substantially descriptive theories developed from an analysis of the offence information and offenders' accounts of their behavior. They specify how offending occurs in terms of core cognitive, behavioral, melancholia, volitional, and contextual factors and provide excellent shared relapse prevention plans for offenders and their therapists/supervisors.

For reasons of brevity and parsimony, details of the theories underlying sexual aggression are not provided hither simply the interested reader can read the original works cited.


There is no ane homogenous group of rapist population, as there are multifactorial causative factors posited past theories of differing persuasions. This is not dissimilar to other circuitous behavioral problems with multiple underlying motivations within a context of varied mental disorders, for example, cocky-harm (Sarkar 2011).[29,xxx] One way of attempting to reduce the heterogeneity is to produce smaller descriptive categories (or taxonomies) that could be used to guide treatment decisions. In that location are many taxonomies bachelor but one of the most robust, widely used, and methodologically sound typological systems to date is the Massachusetts Treatment Centre Rapist Typology: Version 3 (MTC:R3) which uses both theory and empirical data.[31] This model uses motivating dimensions to describe six different types of rapists, which is as follows:

  1. Opportunistic rapist: Offences are unplanned and impulsive and immediate sexual gratification is sought, with strength used as necessary. Offences are driven largely by firsthand ancestor events (situational factors) rather than personal psychopathology, for case, late night, solitary isolated female person, no witnesses around. Sexual assault is one of many instances of poor impulse control.

  2. Anger rapist: His offence is driven by extreme gratis assailment, severe violence, and a history of previous antisocial offending, serious physical injury to the victim is acquired.

  3. Sexual rapist: He is driven by preoccupation with sexual fantasies and urges and is best captured by the diagnosis of Paraphillia – Not otherwise specified (DSM-IV-TR)

  4. Sexually nonsadistic rapist: He is driven by sexual fantasies and urges besides, but the sexual arousal is inappropriate in nature (e.g., fetish), there are offence supportive beliefs and feelings of inadequacy regarding masculinity and sex.

  5. Sexually sadistic rapist: The motivation for this rapist is not sexual just fantasies of deposition and humiliation of and ability and control over the victim, all-time captured past the diagnosis of sexual sadism in the DSM-Iv-TR.

  6. Vindictive rapist: His drive is predominantly anger, but unlike the angry rapist, his acrimony and aggression is focussed exclusively on women. His behavior is intended to humiliate and degrade victims with fiddling/no show of eroticised aggression and depression levels of impulsivity.

Some of these typologies include further subdivisions in terms of high or low social competence and the offence beingness sadistic in overt or muted mode.[32]


It is highly unlikely, well-about impossible, that a human being will voluntarily acknowledge to rape and subject himself to a psychiatric evaluation as he runs the risk of existence apprehended and prosecuted. He is, therefore, unlike from most other individuals who seek cess. They are a difficult grouping to assess compared to individuals who are not facing charges of law-breaking or even in comparison with vehement offenders for reasons of deception and denial that oftentimes characterize their presentation during an assessment. Beingness sent for mandatory assessments past criminal justice agencies, coupled with shame of what they are alleged to have washed, are two of the many factors that make such assessments difficult. Consequently, it is of import to have articulate process (structure), knowledge (of sexual and criminogenic issues), and techniques (skills) rather than theories and experience (of carrying out assessment for non-offenders or offenders with trigger-happy crimes) when it comes to assessing sexual activity offenders. The focus of a psychiatric evaluation is as much well-nigh the "what" of the behavior, besides as the "how" that beliefs is assessed. The following department is written based on a fictional subject who is beingness assessed on request of criminal justice agencies (constabulary, prison, probation, etc.) or courts. Information technology is of course applicative to those voluntarily seeking help.

Assessor's features

Commonly, the bailiwick is probable to be very broken-hearted at the starting time of the interview in addition to existence bully to present himself in the best possible lite. This may present as hostility, evasiveness, or in another fashion. It is of import not to get authoritarian or dismissive in a reaction to this presentation. The assessor must lay downwardly "ground rules" from the beginning, being clear about how many times y'all are likely to see, what will be asked, the lack of confidentiality rules that govern usual medico-patient interactions, what will happen to the data from interview. Y'all must clarify what your role is and what data you already have access to. Establishing this framework allows the interviewee a greater sense of containment and help to establish a rapport that is based on honesty. Intendance must be taken to maintain a less threatening atmosphere in the interview and information technology is helpful to begin with more than basic information and build up to more circuitous and detailed information.[10] Features in the assessor that is related to positive outcomes[33] are listed in Table one.

Table ane

Assessor's features

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Clinical interview

The interview should include information that allows a building-upwardly of picture of the person rather than a truncated mental state evaluation alone. Some of the topics to cover in the clinical interview are given beneath.[10]

Clinical history

  1. Early life experiences: Details of any disharmonize experienced as a child and how this was managed, family history of mental illness, drug corruption and misdeed, details of how women/children were treated in the family dwelling and how this may take shaped subsequent attitudes and behaviour

  2. Instruction history: Details of bullying (victim or perpetrator) and disharmonize with authority figures, their ability to grade and sustain relationships

  3. Occupational history: Information about any conflict with employers and colleagues, any indication of sexualized behaviors at place of piece of work, how long they spent in job/s and why they left

  4. Psychosexual history: This must be assessed in great detail and is summarized in Appendix 1

  5. Hobbies/interests/friends/skills: These provide a glimpse into healthier aspects of one's life

  6. Previous forensic history: Nonsexual offending history, specific information sought virtually what, when, who, and so on in club develop understanding of the pattern of offending

  7. Offence analysis: This must be done in great detail and a recommended arroyo is summarised in Appendix 2

  8. Previous and current psychiatric issues: Record historic period of onset both of mental disorder and sexually inappropriate (even if not rape) as this will provide clues to links between the ii; assess presence of fantasies, urges, and sexual preoccupations and ruminations that may become uncontrollable under certain situations; assess if deviant fantasies occurred before, during, or after onset of whatsoever centrality I disorder; clan of alchohol or drug utilise in relation to rape.[two]

  9. Personality: Usual patterns of stress-coping-social back up bachelor, attitudes, self-image, and then on.

  10. Barriers to treatment: Motivation to change, guilt, denial, practical difficulties, and so on.

Motivational interviewing

Rapists are well-known to be very defensive near their actions and engage in denial that range from slight minimization to outright denial. Information technology is important to accept this as part of the cess and to ignore answers that you know to be untruthful, at to the lowest degree in the early stages of the interview, in society to maintain rapport and to facilitate disclosure of sensitive fabric. It is thought denial is the only means a person has to cope with the shame they may experience by their behavior. It is known that anxiety and guilt increment shame and, hence, the interviewer should take every sensible stride to minimize and moderate the corporeality of anxiety that the person experiences during the interview.

Motivational interviewing is an arroyo designed to reduce the need for defensiveness, hostility, and anxiety in a cocky-protective interviewee.[10] Derived from the transtheoretical model of motivation for trouble drinkers to facilitate engagement in treatment program,[10] the model helps the individual to move through various stages. These include the stages of precontemplation (denial of the problem), to contemplation (accepting at that place is a trouble but ambivalent most change), to determination (decides change is necessary), to action (engaging in treatment), to maintenance (remaining free of relapse). Sexual offending has been considered to be an "addiction" in terms of being repetitive, cocky-reinforcing behavior often used to counter a negative mood state.[34]

Psychological assessment

Agreement the psychological characteristics of an offender and making hazard assessments of future offending behavior are major elements of any sex offender handling program. Several types of take a chance assessments are carried out. These will not be described in any length but the following section volition provide a brief summary of the types of instruments that are routinely used in this blazon of work. Two types of risks are assessed-static and dynamic risks. Static risk factors refer to those factors that are unchangeable, for example, historical facts such as number of previous convictions. Dynamic risk chronicle to those take chances factors that are susceptible to change with treatment and that tin be used equally markers of treatment response and further risk prediction. There are 2 types of dynamic factors: Stable and acute. Stable risk factors chronicle to personality characteristics and learned behavior that may be changed through interventions. Finally, acute risk factors are those short-term or temporary factors which tin alter rapidly and are implicated in relapse prevention. To illustrate it with an example from cardiology, static risk corresponds to genetic vulnerability (long-term risk), stable gamble corresponds with characteristics such equally blood pressure level, cholesterol levels (targets for handling), and acute factors correspond with immediate behaviors of concern such as smoking, diet, and lack of do (monitoring and supervision).


One of the better and usually used static risk assessment instruments is the Chance Matrix.[35] It uses information such as age, number of appearances in court for sexual and criminal (nonsexual) offences, gender of victim (if male, then more than risky), stranger victims, if perpetrator is single (implies intimacy deficits) and noncontact sexual offences (exhibitionism, sexual harassment, etc.).

Thornton[36] also provides the structured assessment of risks and needs which assesses various dynamic risk factors and categorises them into four risk domains. Summated score on each domain allow treatment to be targeted to those domains with monitoring of gamble scores (alongside clinical evidence) used to measure change. These four domains are as follows:

  • Sexual interests-includes sexual preoccupation, sexual preference (for children or violence), and so on.

  • Distorted attitudes and beliefs-CDs and offence-supportive beliefs, etc.

  • Socio-affective management-emotional regulation, intimacy deficits, and so on.

  • Self-management-poor problem-solving skills, lifestyle impulsiveness, and so on.

Some of the other well-validated instruments used for risk assessments include sex offender risk appraisal guide,[37] Static-99,[38] sexual violence risk.[39] At that place are many others which cannot be described hither but the moot betoken is that structured run a risk assessments are an integral part of sex offender treatment and even if they may not predict risks with fool-proof accuracy, they incrementally add to the risk predictions every bit determined past reconviction information.[forty]

Personality features

A battery of tests are used to mensurate constructs relevant to rape such as emotional loneliness, social competence, deficits in empathy, CDs, personality assessment, impulsivity calibration, charade scale, and others. These appear to distinguish those who benefit from handling from those who have non.[41]


Phallometry or measurements involving the phallus is used in the assessment and monitoring of sex offenders as information technology deals with some of difficulties associated with psychometric measures. These difficulties include limited discriminate or predictive validity, cocky-report bias, and limitation of deception scales. One of the most common methods is penile plethysmography (PPG), which determines sexual arousal past measuring increases in penile tumescence (book or circumference) or claret flow in response to visual (still or moving), auditory (scripted stories) imaginal and olfactory stimuli.[42] As sexual arousal cannot be directly observed, PPG offers a direct physiological, albeit intrusive method of assessing what causes sexual arousal in rapists. It is not without criticism every bit some fence that the stimuli used to generate arousal amounts of showing pornographic material to offenders.[2] Other concerns relate to lack of standardization of methodology, limited command data for normal populations, and the ability of people taking the test to imitation non-arousal past various means.[43] Still, when used within an array of other tests, phallometry tin can provide very useful information in terms of identifying focus for treatment.[44]


Every bit discussed before, rape is not a mental disorder past itself. Every bit a psychiatric diagnosis is a prerequisite for civil and criminal delivery, forensic mental health clinicians take tended to apply the paraphillia-not otherwise specified (PNOS) diagnosis. Controversy exists effectually using such equally "rag-tag" diagnosis for commitment of rapists under the sexually violent person or sexually dangerous predator laws in U.s. to detain loftier-risk rapists in secure atmospheric condition beyond their terms of imprisonment.[45] The interested reader is directed to an excellent review of a proponent's[46] and an opponent'southward view on this thing.[47]

There is, however, a larger ethical upshot beyond the diverse arguments that experts may offer and clinical diagnostic criteria. Psychiatrists are offset and foremost doctors and should work within the ethical principles of "beneficence" and "nonmaleficence," that is doing proficient and fugitive harm.[48] Still, their involvement tin be ethically justified by arguing that by detaining and treating the patient (no longer considered just a "bad guy" who needs only penalty), the psychiatrist is helping the person, which otherwise would non have been possible. The Royal Higher report suggests that there are potentially iv ways in which this question can exist answered and ethical justifications are provided for each of the positions adopted.

Practise psychiatrists take a duty to get involved in crime management and prevention by the law enforcement agencies, fifty-fifty if some offenders may endure from mental disorder, if psychiatric involvement may atomic number 82 to uncovering of more than offending behavior, presence of severe antisocial personality disorder, or longer than normal time in detention? There are four possible ethical positions that a psychiatrist tin take. S/he tin can adopt the traditional medical ideals model of beneficence and nonmaleficence as i extreme stance and refuse to be involved in even assessing individuals, unless at that place is a "welfare" disposal, that is, there is some scintilla of do good to the private. A further extension of this position is to only act for the defence when the cess is clearly inside a framework of potential do good to the person. At the other farthermost, the psychiatrist tin can become involved equally a pure "forensicist," that is, in doing so they are not acting as a doc just a risk specialist who tin can give evidence that could lead to enhanced punishment.[49] In betwixt these poles, the psychiatrist can choose to operate from the framework of justice ethics, that is, information technology is in everybody's interests that at that place is good-quality evidence available to the court in relation to making just decisions.[l]

All the same, in that location is a bigger question when such bug are considered with regards to Bharat. Information technology has been lamented elsewhere that forensic psychiatry, the profession that is directly implicated in the blazon of work described in this paper, does non exist as a specialty in India[ane] fifty-fifty though some general psychiatrists in various institutions deal with the courts and police. As such many might regard the content of this paper with alarm as it puts the psychiatrist in the gaze of media and legal spotlight with its own disadvantages if one gets information technology wrong. Information technology is, therefore, essential that the Indian psychiatric gild and the law and domicile ministries of the nation consider what contribution and impact mental health professionals tin can brand in crime prevention and its management. Information technology is imperative that individuals do not spring into the field without proper preparation and experience as the field can exist quite challenging and can frequently spell the doom for unsuspecting doctors if she gets information technology wrong.


The recent surge in sexual violence towards women in India require a multi-pronged response that should involve not just organised and non-organized sectors, just also individuals as members of that society as perpetrators of rape often take mental health and psychosocial gamble factors that trigger, maintain and perpetuate the offence. Psychiatry tin can play a constructive and educative role in assisting criminal justice agencies in managing this scourge. For the discipline to do so, it requires leadership and vision in developing the neglected field of forensic mental health. National mental wellness planning must include centres that tin can railroad train the next generation of professional in the assessment and management of offending behaviours such as rape. In doing so, the subject area and its practitioners must exist cognizant of the ethical and moral principles that govern their actions as doctors and equally carers of individuals with mental health professionals and protect themselves from excessive and unjust demands from others every bit well as act to reduce the stigma associated with being consumers of mental health services (Sarkar 2011).[30]


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Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Involvement: None declared


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